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FlexSim 2018 新功能:基于人的系统,数据收集与制图

WangQinqin 发表于 2018-2-28 09:54:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 WangQinqin 于 2018-2-28 10:00 编辑

FlexSim 2018: New tools for people-based systems, data gathering & charting
FlexSim 2018新功能:基于人的系统,数据收集与制图
Posted by FlexSim Newsroom/ December 20, 2017/ News

In 2018, we’re bringing the human element back into simulation with the People Module. This is just one of several exciting additions to FlexSim 2018, the latest version of our flagship simulation software—now available worldwide.

最新FlexSim2018软件现已在全球范围内推出。在FlexSim 2018中,我们新增了人员场景模块仿真这是FlexSim 2018版本添加的几个重要功能之一。

The People Module, as you probably guessed, is all about people—where they go, who they interact with, and why they’re waiting so long in that particular queue. FlexSim can now help you visualize and analyze these people-based systems. Whether it’s a restaurant, airport security, or a system that doesn’t produce anything tangible, this new module is capable of modeling it.


The People Module comes with all-new 3D objects and Process Flow activities that work together for an accurate and realistic model. The 3D objects represent the locations, staff, transports, and equipment that people will interact with as they go throughout the model. The Process Flow activities provide the logic to create, move, escort, and transport these people to where they need to go, which staff they will be with, and what equipment they will use.


Check out the new People Module tutorials in the User Manual to try it out for yourself.


FlexSim 2018 also contains a brand-new library of Dashboard templates. These templates make use of the new data collections and charting tools we introduced in FlexSim 2017 Update 2, but with easy-to-use interfaces to streamline your model analysis. Have you ever wanted that one elusive chart—maybe throughput per hour by item type? The new templates make this data easy to come by and amazing to visualize.

FlexSim 2018还包含一个全新的Dashboard库。 这个模板利用我们在FlexSim 2017.2.2中引入的数据收集器和图表工具,优化了界面使用,简化了模型分析。比如按小时统计吞吐量,这在新Dashboard模块中很容易实现,可视化界面也十分美观友好。

There’s much more to discover in FlexSim 2018, from Excel import/export enhancements to the Date Time Source activity… and beyond. Check out a more complete list of what’s new in the software in this guide: What’s New in FlexSim 2018.

在FlexSim 2018中,还有很多其他更新,比如工艺流程中增加了日期时间源活动,并可以从Excel导入/导出等等。查看FlexSim 2018新增内容的完整列表:FlexSim 2018的新增功能。

In addition, the latest version of the FloWorks module (18.0.0) is available and compatible with FlexSim 2018. FloWorks has been updated with new Quick Properties panels, new object functions, three tutorials in the User Manual, and more.

此外,FlexSim 2018兼容最新版本的FloWorks模块(18.0.0)【FlexSim流体模块】。FloWorks已更新了新的快速属性面板,新的对象功能以及用户手册中的三个教程等。

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