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wj109260758 发表于 2010-6-25 15:46:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
对parval(),属性指向很困扰8 \" g* `& {) E- U+ b( p8 F
比如: baynumber = parval(2),求注解下,为什么是(2),6 l6 V( ~8 m  L8 Z3 x  `

3 \1 r( u3 @' n6 o, j0 ]如果levelnuber=?????  求注解。。。。
' }$ \& W( Y9 v& U- c* @7 NFor developer use. This command is used inside a function that is called by the nodefunction() command. It returns the parameter passed to nodefunction specified by index as a number. The first additional parameter passed to nodefunction() is parameter 1, the second is parameter 2, etc. Parameters can also be retrieved using parnode() and parstr() for casting them as a treenode and string respectively. # o! ?. ^. Y% \3 ]: L1 ^
Example: double passedval = parval(3);: I# _; L' D$ \

  J$ {% f  g, u/ L  RThis sets passedval equal to the number that was passed to nodefunction() as parameter 3.
george 发表于 2010-6-25 21:42:05 | 只看该作者
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